September 23, 2021

In memory of Sue Coombe (1926-2021) It takes a long time until you can turn into a bird. A lifetime. A long life. It helps if you’re beautiful to start with, of course. She was. Long neck, fine bones, mischievous eyes. And glamorous in those old photos. Primed for plumage. She lived a life spent…

July 29, 2021

In Episode 1 of More Queer Nymphs, Clare M Coombe explores the story of the nymph Daphne, who opts out of normative gender structures but cannot free herself from predatory men or patriarchal control over her body. Assaulted by Apollo, she is turned into a laurel tree by her father, but retains her mind even…

May 23, 2021

After Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci. There’s never true daylight in the Shadow World, but the misty days are lighter than the pitch black nights. Enough to wake me and tell my sleepy eyes it’s morning. The silvery half-light glances off white sheets and high marble walls. I stretch. Yawn. And then I remember…