October 31, 2021

The sun was setting, casting pink tendrils across the darkening sky. In the blissful balm of a late summer’s evening, guests had draped themselves across the palace grounds. Some were sprawled upon couches, the bright colours of the embroidered surfaces now paling into murky greys and browns. Others reclined on the grass itself, with the…

October 25, 2021

In Episode 6 of More Queer Nymphs, Clare M Coombe explores the parallels and opposition between Sirens and Nereids, who will both inform later Mermaid myths, considering their allure, their song, and how they embody female empowerment.

September 27, 2021

In Episode 5 of More Queer Nymphs, Clare M Coombe discusses Circe, powerful witch, daughter of the Sun, transformer of men, and big fan of pigs. Why would she submit to Odysseus when he threatens her? Why would she pine for him? What happened to her power in the end?

August 30, 2021

In Episode 3 of More Queer Nymphs, Clare M Coombe explores the myth of Lamia, looking at motherhood and monstrosity, women’s identity, female sexuality, and vampirism. Lamia, whose children, born to Zeus, are stolen by Hera, suffers terrible grief, and, in her powerlessness, becomes a child-killer herself. Later she will be identified with women who…

August 16, 2021

In Episode 2 of More Queer Nymphs, Clare M Coombe explores the story of Callisto, exploring themes of power-abuse and metamorphosis. Raped by Zeus, made pregnant, rejected by Artemis and her chosen family, and transformed into a bear: this episode views the myth as a metaphor for complicity in abuse of women and loss of…

May 23, 2021

After Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci. There’s never true daylight in the Shadow World, but the misty days are lighter than the pitch black nights. Enough to wake me and tell my sleepy eyes it’s morning. The silvery half-light glances off white sheets and high marble walls. I stretch. Yawn. And then I remember…